Say Yes to Health – Mented Cosmetics

Say Yes to Health

Say Yes to Health

It’s almost fall so you know what that means. Time for sweaters, pumpkin lattes, and back to school. The lazy pace of summer is lingering in the air as we all start to prepare for the hustle and bustle of autumn. We can all relate to getting back into the groove of things, but what about our health? This too needs attention and the time is now. For me there is no beauty conversation without the baseline of health. Makeup looks better on healthy skin and healthy skin only comes from true wellness.

I’m not talking about going to the spa or buying expensive skin care products, even though I have plenty of suggestions. I’m talking about getting to the root of wellness which is quality affordable healthcare. Healthcare is about preventative medicine that allows us to have a more productive day and a longer life. It’s about being there for your family and being good to yourself. So selfishly and candidly we have to get real about our rights. It’s midterm election season and I am nervous. No matter where you fall on the party lines, we all want to protect ourselves and our families. A cornerstone of that philosophy should be health.

I’m thankful everyday for the historic passing of the Affordable Care Act. As a small business owner, Obamacare has been here for me when I made no money and needed insurance. Without it I would be vulnerable. For families with working parents who still don’t have employer covered health care, I know Obamacare has brought some light to bleak outlooks. Now obviously it’s not without its faults, but we had to start somewhere. No first draft is brilliant, but at least we started the work. Now it’s time to plan our future. Have you registered to vote? Check your state because it’s a fall deadline that many miss because they don’t plan. This midterm election season will absolutely shape our future and I am not going to stand idly by.

Nearly 20 million people have gained healthcare coverage since 2010, thanks President Obama. Planned Parenthood has over 700 health centers primarily in our neighborhoods, servicing over 2.8 million people per year. Now those are the facts and a reason to go to the polls. There should be no shame in getting the healthcare you need, no matter your needs. The shame is that we have to fight for that to be true.

So say yes to your beauty by saying yes to your health. Now is the time. Register to vote and tell a friend.




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